Zodiacal light is a glowing pyramid after dark – Full moon for February 2021 comes on February 27. Afterwards, the moon will be waning and gone from the early evening sky. Moonless evenings in late February, March and early April present the best time of year to see the zodiacal light in the Northern Hemisphere.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | This zodiacal light photo comes from 2018, from Great Barrier Island near New Zealand. The faint cone of light is the zodiacal light, seen before dawn. Notice the bright object in its midst. That’s Venus. Another pinpoint of light below Venus is Mercury. We’re showing you this photo now because – if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere in 2020, watching for the zodiacal light in the evening – you might see Venus, and maybe even Mercury too, in its midst! Photo by Carol Comer. Thank you, Carol!